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Living With Sjögren’s


Dental Tips

Due to alterations in salivary function, Sjögren’s patients have many dental problems. They have been found to require a greater number of dental visits, to have more decay and restorative needs, and to spend a significant amount more (2 to 3 times) on dental care.

In order to maintain the best oral health and minimize expense, you should:
  • Schedule dental examinations regularly – at least twice a year.
  • Brush your teeth after every meal. Prompt removal of food debris will minimize decay. Rinse your mouth with plain water if you don’t have time to brush.
  • Use dental floss daily.
  • Use a toothpaste containing fluoride. Discuss with your dentist using supplemental fluoride, either as a daily rinse or gel in a carrier or applied in the dental office.
  • Brush your tongue with a toothbrush or tongue-scraper. Buy an electric toothbrush.
  • Avoid sugary, sticky foods which promote decay-causing bacteria.
  • Do not wear removable dental prostheses at night, and clean and soak them in an anti-fungal preparation daily.
  • Discuss with your dentist the use of a remineralizing product to help prevent decay.
  • Eat a healthful diet low in refined sugars and avoid carbohydrate-rich between-meal snacks.
  • Use products to stimulate salivation (such as gums or candies) or to promote oral comfort but be certain they are sugar-free and contain xylitol as a sweetener.
  • Don’t smoke – cigarettes, cigars or pipes – or use chewing tobacco.
  • Take advantage of fluoride-containing and -releasing dental restorative materials.

*article courtesy of